
Photooxidant and particulate matter pollution from urban to continental scale

Understanding atmospheric pollution requires the quantification of the various processes which govern the evolution of chemical species in the gas and particle phases in the lower atmosphere before taking them into account in 3D models. The objective of LISA in this field is  to provide predictions and spatial descriptions of the various pollutants from the urban to the continental scale. In addition, the impact of pollution on the time evolution of the materials of the built heritage is studied. For these purposes, in situ and satellite observations, numerical modeling, as well as experimental laboratory simulations, are simultaneously set-up.


Chloe Chive, Lydie Martίn-Faivre, Alice Eon-Bertho, Christelle Alwardini, Jéril Degrouard, Alexandre Albinet, Gael Noyalet, Servanne Chevaillier, Franck Maisonneuve, Jean-Michel Sallenave, Stéphanie Devineau, Vincent Michoud, Ignacio Garcia-Verdugo, Armelle Baeza-Squiban

Exposure to PM2.5 modulate the pro-inflammatory and interferon responses against influenza virus infection in a human 3D bronchial epithelium model
Environmental Pollution

Wednesday 1 May 2024
Virna Rivera-Salas, Etuman Elessa, Isabelle Coll

Exploring the linkages between urban form, mobility and emissions with OLYMPUS: A comparative analysis in two French regions
Sci Total Environ

Monday 1 April 2024
M. Blayac, C.-H. Yegen, Elie AlMarj, Camilo Macias, Mathieu Cazaunau, Antonin Berge, R. Epaud, Patrice Coll, S. Lanone

Acute exposure to realistic simulated urban atmospheres exacerbates pulmonary phenotype in cystic fibrosis-like mice
Journal of Hazardous Materials

Tuesday 5 March 2024
--> see all publications of LISA


In REMEDIA project, fundamental research occupies a crucial place to understand the impact of the exposome in the course of chronic obstructive pulmonary...
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  Un prix de la Chancellerie des universités de Paris a été attribué à Pauline Uring pour sa thèse soutenue à l’UPEC en octobre 2019 sur...
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L'objectif du projet REMEDIA est de mieux comprendre la contribution de l'exposome à 2 maladies respiratoires incurables : la bronchopneumopathie...
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