Anne Chabas
10 years ago
Professeur UPEC
MSE 204
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Altération atmosphérique des matériaux du patrimoine
Pollution oxydante et particulaire

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Chabas Anne

Publications of Anne CHABAS at LISA

Godet M., Loisel C., Vergès-Belmin V., Menguy N., Anne Chabas, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Mathilde Ropiquet, Jacquet Q., Queffelec A., Azéma A., Multi-scale characterization of lead-rich deposited particles originating from the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris, Science of The Total Environment, 946, 174309,, 2024

Mourad Bentahar, Aline Petitmangin, Caroline Blanc, Anne Chabas, Silvio Montresor, Christophe Niclaeys, Ahmed Elbartali, Denis Najjar, Romain Duccini, Mathieu Jean, Sophie Nowak, Rémy Pires-Brazuna, Pierre Dubot, Does Atmospheric Corrosion Alter the Sound Quality of the Bronze Used for Manufacturing Bells?, materials, 16, 21,, 2023

Aurelie Verney-Carron, Loryelle Sessegolo, Anne Chabas, Tiziana Lombardo, Stéphanie Rossano, Anne Perez, Valentina Valbi, Chloé Boutillez, Camille Muller, Cyril Vaulot, Barbara Trichereau & Claudine Loisel, Alteration of medieval stained glass windows in atmospheric medium: review and simplified alteration model, npj Materials Degradation, 7, 24,, 2023

Anne Chabas, Lombardo T., Self-cleaning glass in urban environment, Handbook of Self-Cleaning Surfaces and Materials: From Fundamentals to Applications. Editeur Wiley-V, 2, 431-447,, 2023

Anne Chabas, Wolfram Kloppmann, Jean‑Pierre Sizun, Guillaume Wille, Adriana Coman, Aline Petitmangin, Sophie Nowak, Erwan Martin, Marie‑Ange Jurgens, Sources and chronology of soluble salt formation in a medieval dovecote caught up in urbanisation: a resilience story?, Environmental Earth Sciences, 81:550, 16,, 2022

Aline Petitmangin, I. Guillot, Anne Chabas, S. Nowak, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Stephane Alfaro, Caroline Blanc, C. Fourdrin, Patrick Ausset, The complex atmospheric corrosion of α/δ bronze bells in a marine environment, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 52, 153-163,, 2021

Pauline Uring, Anne Chabas, Stephane Alfaro, Textile ageing due to atmospheric gases and particles in indoor cultural heritage, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 66340–6635,, 2021

Loryelle Sessegolo, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Valle, Nathalie, Patrick Ausset, Narayanasamy, Sathya; Nowak, Sophie; Fourdrin, Chloé, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Anne Chabas, Alteration of potash-lime silicate glass in atmospheric medium: study of mechanisms and kinetics using 18O and D isotopes, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 570, 13 pp.,, 2021

Lucile Gentaz, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Loryelle Sessegolo, Anne Chabas, Nicolas Nuns, Laurent Remusat, Adriana Gonzalez-Cano, Chloé Fourdrin, Jean-Didier Mertz, Reactivity of secondary phases in weathered limestone using isotopic tracers (D and 18O), Environmental Science and Pollution Research , 28, 2810–2821,, 2021

A. Aroksay, E. Martin, S. Bekki, G. Montana, L. Randazzo, P. Cartigny, Anne Chabas, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Multi O- and S-isotopes as tracers of black crusts formation under volcanic and non-volcanic atmospheric conditions in Sicily (Italy), Science of The Total Environment, 750, 142283,, 2021

Pauline Uring, Anne Chabas, Stephane Alfaro, Derbez M., Assessment of indoor air quality for a better preventive conservation of some French museums and monuments, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 42850–4286,, 2020

Loryelle Sessegolo, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Patrick Ausset, Nowak Sophie, Sylvain Triquet, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Anne Chabas, Alteration rate of medieval potash-lime silicate glass as a function of pH and temperature: A low pH-dependent dissolution, Chemical Geology, 550, 119704,, 2020

Pauline Uring, Anne Chabas, Stephane Alfaro, Dust deposition on textile and its evolution in indoor cultural heritage, The European Physical Journal Plus, 134, 255-263,, 2019

Loryelle Sessegolo, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Patrick Ausset, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Anne Chabas, Effect of surface roughness on medieval-type glass alteration in aqueous medium, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 505, 260-271,, 2019

Anne Chabas, Sizun J. P, Lucile Gentaz, Pauline Uring, Phan A., Adriana Coman, Stephane Alfaro, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Edouard Pangui, Pascal Zapf, Huet F., Water content of limestones submitted to realistic wet deposition: a CIME2 chamber simulation, Environmental Science and Technology, 25, 23973-2398, 10.1007/s11356-018-2433-0, 2018

Loryelle Sessegolo, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Remusat L., Gonzalez-Cano A., Nuns N., Mertz J.D., Loisel C., Anne Chabas, Long-term weathering rate of stained-glass windows using H and O isotopes, npj Materials Degradation, 17, 9,, 2018

Pauline Uring, Anne Chabas, Dominique De Reyer, Lucile Gentaz, Sylvain Triquet, Cecile Mirande-Bret, Stephane Alfaro, The Bayeux embroidery: a dust deposition assessment, Heritage Science, 6, 23-31,, 2018

Palomar T., Anne Chabas, D.M. Bastidas, D. de la Fuente, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Effect of marine aerosols on the alteration of silicate glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,, 2017

Aurelie Verney-Carron, Loryelle Sessegolo, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, N. Valle, Patrick Ausset, R. Losno, D. Mangind, T. Lombardo, Anne Chabas, C. Loisel, Understanding the mechanisms of Si–K–Ca glass alteration using silicon isotopes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 203, 404–421,, 2017

Loryelle Sessegolo, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, L. Remusat, A. Gonzalez-Cano, C. Loisel, Anne Chabas, Water Transport within Ancient Stained Glass Alteration Layer using Oxygen Isotopes, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 17, 814-817, Water Transport within Ancient Stained Glass Alter, 2017

Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Anne Chabas, Mertz J.-D., Colas E., Rozenbaum O., Sizun J.-P., Nowak S., Lucile Gentaz, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Weathering of limestone after several decades in an urban environment, Corrosion Science, 111, 742–752, 2016

Lucile Gentaz, Lombardo T., Anne Chabas, Loisel C., Neff D., Aurelie Verney-Carron, Role of secondary phases in the scaling of stained glass windows exposed to rain, Corrosion Science, 109, 206–216, 2016

Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Remusat L., Duhamel R., Gonzalez-Cano A., Mertz J.D., Loisel C., Anne Chabas, Rozenbaum O., Isotope Tracers to Investigate Reactive Zones in Stones from Built Cultural Heritage, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 13, 56-59,, 2015

Lombardo T., Anne Chabas, Aurelie Verney-Carron, H. Cachier, Sylvain Triquet, and S. Darchy, Physico-chemical characterisation of glass soiling in rural, urban and industrial environments, Environ. Sci. Poll. Res., 21, 9251-9258, 2014

Bernardi A., Becherini F., Veritá M., Patrick Ausset, Bellio M., Brinkmann U., Cachier H., Anne Chabas, Deutsch F., Etcheverry M.P., Geotti Bianchini F., Godoi R.H.M., Kontozova-Deutsch V., Lefèvre R.A., Lombardo T., Mottner P., Nicola C., Pallot Frossard I., Rölleke S., Römich H., Sommariva G., Vallotto M. and Van Grieken R., Conservation of stained glass windows with protective glazing: main results from the European VIDRIO research programme, J. Cultural Heritage, 14, 527-536, 2013

Lombardo T., Gentaz L, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Anne Chabas, Loisel C., Neff D., Leroy E., Caracterisation of complex alteration layers in medieval glasses, Corrosion Science, 72, 10-19, 2013

Gentaz L., Lombardo T., Anne Chabas, Loisel C., Aurelie Verney-Carron, Impact of neocrystallisations on the SiO2-K2O-CaO glass degradation in dry atmospheric conditions, Atmospheric Environmen, 55, 459-466, 2012

Aurelie Verney-Carron, A.L. Dutot, T. Lombardo, Anne Chabas, Predicting changes of glass optical properties in polluted atmospheric environment by a neural network model, Atmospheric Environment, 54, 141-148, 2012

Gentaz L., T. Lombardo, C. Loisel, Anne Chabas, M. Vallotto, Early stage of weathering of medieval-like potash-lime model glass: evaluation of key factors, Environ. Sci. Poll. Res., 18, 291-300, 2011

Anne Chabas, L. Gentaz, T. Lombardo, R. Falcone, M. Verità and H. Cachier, Wet and dry atmospheric deposition on TiO2 coated glasses: results for long term field exposure, Environment Pollution, 158, 3507-3512, 2010

Lombardo T., A. Ionescu, Anne Chabas, R.-A.Lefèvre, Patrick Ausset, and Y. Candau, Dose-response function for the soiling ofsilica-soda-lime glass due to dry deposition, Sci. Total Environ, 408, 976-984, 2010

Lombardo T., C. Loisel, L. Gentaz, Anne Chabas, M. Verità and I. Pallot-Frossard, Long term assessment atmospheric decay of stained glass windows, Corrosion Engineering Sciences and Technology, 45, 420-424, 2010

Anne Chabas, Lombardo T., Cachier H., Pertuisot M. H., Oikonomou K., Falcone R., Verità M., Geotti-Bianchini F., Self-cleaning versus float glass in urban atmosphere, European Journal of Glass Science and Technology, 50, 3, 139-142, 2009

Anne Chabas, Lombardo T., Cachier H., Pertuisot M. H., Oikonomou K., Falcone R., Verità M., Geotti-Bianchini F., Behaviour of self-cleaning glass in urban atmosphere, Building and Environment, 43, 2124-2131, 2008

Verità, M., Geotti-Bianchetti, F., Falcone, R., Zangiocomi, G., Anne Chabas, Lombardo, T., Daveau, S., Patrick Ausset, Cachier, H., Oikonomou, K., Analysis of self-cleaning and float glass: a comparative study of pollution on the glass surfaces under real life conditions, Glass Technology - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology, Part A, 48, 183-190, 2007

Lefèvre R., Ionescu, Patrick Ausset, Anne Chabas, Girardet F., Vince F., Modelling of the calcareous stone sulphation in polluted atmosphere after exposure in the field. Prikryl R. & Smith B.J. Eds. Building Stone Decay: From Diagnosis to Conservation, Geological Society of London, Special Publication, 271, 131-137, DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2007.271.01.14., 2007

Favez O., Cachier H., Anne Chabas, Patrick Ausset, Lefèvre R., Crossed optical and chemical evaluation of modern glass soiling in European urban environment, Atmospheric Environment, 40, 7192-7204, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.06.022, 2006

Lombardo T., Anne Chabas, Lefèvre R., Patrick Ausset, Cachier H., Favez O., Oikonomou K., The use of protective glazing to prevent dust deposition on stained glass windows. International Conference on Heritage, Weathering and Conservation, Eds. Taylor & Francis Group, London, Publisher, 1, 477-483, 2006

Ionescu A., Lefèvre R., Anne Chabas, Lombardo T., Patrick Ausset, Candau Y., Rosseman L., Modeling of soiling based on silica-soda-lime glass exposure at six European sites, The Science of the Total Environment, 369, 246-255, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2006.04.009., 2006

Lombardo T., Anne Chabas, Lefèvre R., Verità. M., Geotti-Bianchini F., Weathering of a float glass exposed outdoors in an urban area, European Journal of Glass Science and Technology, 46, 3, 271-276, 2005

Lombardo T., Ionescu A., Lefèvre R., Anne Chabas, Patrick Ausset, Cachier H., Soiling of silica-soda-lime float glass in urban environment: measurements and modelling, Atmospheric Environment, 39, 989-997, DOI:10.1016/ j.atmosenv.2004.10.030., 2005

Anne Chabas, R. A. Lefèvre, Soiling of soda-lime-silica float glass in the polluted atmosphere of Paris,, Glass Technology, 43C, 79-83, 2002

Anne Chabas, D. Jeannette, Weathering of marbles and granites in marine environment: petrophysical properties and special role of atmospheric salts, Environ. Geol., 40, 359-368, 2001

Anne Chabas, R. Lefèvre, Behaviour of soda-lime glass in polluted atmosphere: a case study in Paris, Riv. Sperim. Vetro, Murano-Venice, 30, 135-140, 2000

Anne Chabas, R. Lefèvre, Chemistry and microscopy of atmospheric particulates at Delos (Cyclades, Greece), Atmos. Environ., 34, 225-238, 2000

Anne Chabas, D. Jeannette and R.-A. Lefèvre, Crystallization and dissolution of airborne sea-salts on weathered marble in a coastal environment at Delos (Cyclades, Greece), Atmos. Environ., 34, 219-224, 2000

Anne Chabas, D. Jeannette et R. Lefèvre, Altération du marbre et du granite de Délos: rôle de l'environnement atmosphérique marin naturel et pollué, Bull. Correspondance Hellénique, 122, 487-500, doi : 10.3406/bch.1998.7188, 1998

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