Marie-Claire GAZEAU
Marie-Claire Gazeau
11 years ago
Professeure UPEC
P1 320
Exobiologie et astrochimie

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Gazeau Marie-Claire

Publications of Marie-Claire GAZEAU at LISA

A. Bellili, Z. Gouid, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, J.-C. Guillemin, M. Hochlaf, Martin Schwell, Single photon ionization of methyl isocyanide and the subsequent unimolecular decomposition of its cation: experiment and theory, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 26017-2602,, 2019

I. Derbali, H.R. Hrodmarsson, Z. Gouid, Martin Schwell, Marie-Claire Gazeau, J.C. Guillemin, M. Hochlaf, M.E. Alikhani, E.L. Zins, Photoionization and dissociative photoionization of propynal in the gas phase: theory and experiment, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 14053-1406,, 2019

Olivia Venot, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Lefèvre, F.; Es-sebbar, Et.; Hébrard, E., Martin Schwell, Chiheb Bahrini, Montmessin, F., Maxence Lefevre, Waldmann, I. P., VUV-absorption cross section of carbon dioxide from 150 to 800 K and applications to warm exoplanetary atmospheres, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 609, A34,, 2018

Ahmed Mahjoub, Martin Schwell, Nathalie Carrasco, Yves Benilan, Guy Cernogora, Cyril Szopa, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Characterization of aromaticity in analogues of Titan's atmospheric aerosols with Two-step Laser Desorption Ionization Mass spectrometry, Planetary and Space Science, 131, 1-13, 2016 PDF

Bellili A., Martin Schwell, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, M. Mogren Al-Mogren, J.-C. Guillemin, L. Poisson and M. Hochlaf, VUV photoionization and dissociative photoionization spectroscopy of the interstellar molecule aminoacetonitrile: theory and experiment, J. Mol. Spectros., 315, 196-205, 2015

Herve Cottin, Kafila Saiagh, Guan, Y.Y., Cloix, M., Diana Khalaf, Macari, F., Murielle Jerome, Jean-Michel Polienor, Yves Benilan, Patrice Coll, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Francois Raulin, Fabien Stalport, Carrasco, N., Szopa, C., Bertrand, M., Chabin, A., Westall, F., Vergne, J., Da Silva, L.A., Maurel, M.-C., Chaput, D., Demets, R., Brack, A., The AMINO Experiment: a laboratory for Astrochemistry and Astrobiology on the EXPOSE-R facility of the International Space Station, International Journal of Astrobiology 14, 67-77, 2015 PDF

Herve Cottin, Kafila Saiagh, Nguyen, D., Noel Grand, Yves Benilan, Cloix, M., Patrice Coll, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Nicolas Fray, Diana Khalaf, Francois Raulin, Fabien Stalport, Carrasco, N.,Szopa,C.,Chaput, D.,Bertrand, M.,Westall, F.,Mattioda, A.,Quinn, R.,Ricco, A.,Santos, O.,Baratta, G., Strazzulla, G.,Palumbo, M.E.,Postollec, A.L.,Dobrijevic, M.,Coussot, G.,Vigier, F.,Vandenabeele-Trambouze, O.,Incerti, S.,Berger, T., Photochemical studies in low Earth orbit for organic compounds related to small bodies, Titan and Mars. Current and future facilities, Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 84, 60-73, 2015 PDF

Bellili A., Martin Schwell, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, M. Mogren Al-Mogren, J.-C. Guillemin, L. Poisson and M. Hochlaf, VUV photoionization and dissociative photoionization of the prebiotic molecule acetyl cyanide: theory and experiment, J. Chem. Phys., 141, 134311,, 2014

Venot O., Nicolas Fray, Yves Benilan, Marie-Claire Gazeau, E. Hébrard, Gwenaelle Larcher, Martin Schwell, M. Dobrijevic and F. Selsis, High-temperature measurements of VUV-absorption cross sections of CO2 and their application to exoplanets, Astron. Astrophys., 551, 10.1051/0004-6361/201220945, 2013

Es-sebbar Et., Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Antoine Jolly, C. D. Pintassilgo, Absolute ground-state nitrogen atom density in a N2/CH4 late afterglow: TALIF experiments and modeling studies, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 43, 335203-335, 2010

Romanzin C. , E. Arzoumanian, Et. Es-sebbar, Antoine Jolly, S. Perrier, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Combined experimental and theoretical studies on methane photolysis at 121.6 nm and 248 nm - implications on a program of laboratory simulations of Titan's atmosphere, Planet. and Space Sci., 58, 1748-1757, 2010

Es-Sebbar E., Yves Benilan, Antoine Jolly, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Characterization of an N2 flowing microwave post-discharge by OES spectroscopy and determination of absolute ground-state nitrogen atom densities by TALIF, J. Phys. D-Applied Phys., 42, 11, 2009

Berteloite C., S.D. Le Picard, P. Birza, Marie-Claire Gazeau, A. Canosa, Yves Benilan, I.R. Sims, Low temperature (39-298 K) kinetics study of the reactions of the C4H radical with various hydrocarbons observed in Titan's atmosphere, Icarus, 194, 746-755, 2008

Crépin C., L. Moneron, S. Douin, S. Boye-Peronne, R. Kolos, M. Turowski, M. Gronowski, J. Sepiol, Yves Benilan, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Tentative identification of C3N center dot radical luminescence in solid krypton, J. Chem., 82, 741-749, 2008

Romanzin C., Yves Benilan, Antoine Jolly, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Photolytic behavior of methane at Lyman-a and 248 nm: studies in the frame of a simulation program of Titan?s atmosphere (S.E.T. U.P.), Adv. Space Res., 42, 2036-2044, 2008

Nicolas Fray, Yves Benilan, N. Biver, D. Bockelée-Morvan, Herve Cottin, J. Crovisier, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Heliocentric evolution of the degradation of polyoxylmethylene. Application to the origin of the formaldehyde (H2CO) extended source in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), Icarus, 184, 239-254, 2006

Romanzin C., S. Boyé-Péronne and D. Gauyacq, Yves Benilan, Marie-Claire Gazeau, and S. Douin, CH radical production from 248 nm photolysis or discharge-jet dissociation of CHBr3 probed by cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys., 125, 114312, 2006

Romanzin C., Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, E. Hébrard, Antoine Jolly, Francois Raulin, S. Boyé-Peronne, S. Douin, D. Gauyacq, N. Shafizadeh and G. Taieb, Laboratory investigations on CH4 photochemistry in the frame of a new experimental program of Titan?s atmosphere simulation, Adv. Space Res., 36, 258-267, 2005

Scemama A., P. Chaquin, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Theoretical study of the structure and properties of polyynes, monocyano and dicyanoplyynes: predictions for long chain compounds, J. Phys. Chem. A, 106, 3828-3837, 2002

Scemama A., P. Chaquin, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Semi-empirical calculation of electronic absorption wavelengths of polyynes, monocyano- and di-cyanopolyynes. Predictions for long chain compounds and carbon allotrope carbyne, Chem. Phys. Letters, 361, 5-6,520-52, 2002

Vuitton V., A. Scemama, Marie-Claire Gazeau, P. Chaquin, Yves Benilan, IR and UV spectroscopic data for polyynes: predictions for long carbon chain compounds in Titan's atmosphere, Adv. Space Res., 27, 283-288, 2001

Vuitton V., Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Francois Raulin, A review of gas phase photochemistry of Titan's atmosphere: observations, laboratory simulation experiments and photochemical models, Res. Adv. in Photochem. Photobiol., 1, 227-245, 2000

Smith N., Marie-Claire Gazeau, A. Khelifi, Francois Raulin, A combined experimental and theoretical study of the catalytic dissociation of methane by the photolysis of acetylene at 185 nm, Planet. Space Sci., 47, 3-10, 1999

Patrice Coll, D. Coscia, N. Smith, Marie-Claire Gazeau, S.I. Ramirez, G. Cernogora, G. Israel, Francois Raulin, Experimental laboratory simulations of Titan’s atmosphere: aerosol and gas phase, Planet. Space Sci., 47, 1331-1340, 1999

De Vanssay E., Marie-Claire Gazeau, J.C. Guillemin, Francois Raulin, Experimental simulation of Titan's organic chemistry at low temperature, Planet. Space Sci., 43, 25-31, 1995

Aflalaye A., D. Andrieux, Yves Benilan, P. Bruston, Patrice Coll, D. Coscia, Marie-Claire Gazeau, M. Khlifi, P. Paillous, Robert Sternberg, E. de Vanssay, J.-C. Guillemin, Francois Raulin, Thermally unstable polyynes and N-organics of planetological interest: new laboratory data and implications for their detection by in situ and remote sensing techniques, Adv. Space Res., 15, 5-11, 1995

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