News - Evolution of Organic Carbon Activities
Johannes Heuser defended his thesis entitled “Microphysical and optical characterization of fresh and aged combustion aerosol particles: a simulation... The ACTRIS (Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure) international conference was held in Rennes from May 13 to 16, 2024. Several members... Stéphanie Alage defended her thesis entitled: "Étude des molécules organiques hautement oxygénées (HOMs) en laboratoire et en atmosphère réelle : Projet... From June 26 to 30, 2023, LISA welcomed Spyros Pandis, Professor at the University of Patras, as part of the Lavoisier Lectures organized by the UFR de... LISA initiated the organization of a session at the European Geoscience Union 2023 entitled "Urban to rural atmospheric observations and models for...