Guillaume Siour |
Research Engenieer |
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques |
[guillaume.siour @ lisa.ipsl.fr] |
0145171575 | IT department |
Research topics and activities |
- Regional modeling:
- Coordination of CHIMERE model development
- Chemistry-transport with WRF and CHIMERE
- Publications

Recent results |
- Clauzel, L., Anquetin, S., Lavaysse, C., Bergametti, G., Bouet, C., Siour, G., Lapere, R., Marticorena, B., and Thomas, J.: Solar radiation estimation in West Africa: impact of dust conditions during the 2021 dry season, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 997-1021, 2025
- Vida, M., Foret, G., Siour, G., Couvidat, F., Favez, O., Uzu, G., Cholakian, A., Conil, S., Beekmann, M., and Jaffrezo, J.-L.: Modelling of atmospheric concentrations of fungal spores: a 2-year simulation over France using CHIMERE, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 10601-10615, 2024
- Plauchu, R., Fortems-Cheiney, A., Broquet, G., Pison, I., Berchet, A., Potier, E., Dufour, G., Coman, A., Savas, D., Siour, G., and Eskes, H.: NOx emissions in France in 2019-2021 as estimated by the high-spatial-resolution assimilation of TROPOMI NO2 observations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8139-8163, 2024.
Misc |
- Scripts and programs (using R, latex, bash, fortran...)
- Gitlab
- Thredds
- Monitoring TGCC
- ACROSS forecasting
- SVP-LISA Mycore